Thursday, August 28, 2008

Medical Advisor Journals----Acne and Acne Care Articles Written By Friends and Health Experts

Cure Acne Today
By Chase Michaels Platinum Quality Author

If you're like me, you have had acne for a long time and tried just about everything, with little to no success. I'm here to tell you that acne IS beatable if you have the right information. With my help you will start clearing your acne today.

The first and most important thing I want you to realize is that all the lotions and creams in the world will not clear your acne. They will mask the symptoms and eventually stop working. You need to deal with the root cause of acne, which is inflammation. How do you do this? By controlling your diet, exercising, and taking a few inexpensive high quality supplements.

As far as diet goes, you will need to avoid certain 'disaster foods' such as vegetable oils. This is of paramount importance. You WILL continue to have acne if you keep ingesting this stuff. A good alternative is Coconut oil, which is one of the healthiest oils on Earth.

Exercise is pretty self explanatory. You need to get your blood flowing in order to stop acne in it's tracks. Just get out there and exercise at least a few times a week, for 20-30 minutes a day. This is the bare minimum if you want to see improvement.

Lastly, I highly suggest a few nutrient-dense supplements. They are not expensive and give your body the ammunition it needs to stop acne. One such supplement is called Spirulina. If nothing else, get some Spirulina today.

After 12 years of having acne, this is the only thing that has worked for me. Not only is my skin clear, but I feel healthier and have much more energy. Check out my blog for more information, and I promise you will have clear skin in just a few short weeks if you are disciplined enough.

My name is Chase Michaels, and I suffered with acne for 12 long years (this includes blackheads and MASSIVE cystic acne on my back, neck, and chest.) My goal is to find the safest and most natural ways to destroy this disease once and for all. Please check out my blog for information on how I finally got clear after 12 painful years.